This 11.54 acre parcel is adjacent to the 395 Hwy. There is one portion of the parcel that is on the West side of the 395 and the majority of the parcel is on the East side adjacent to the parts yard. Approximately 330ft of frontage on the East and West side of the 395. This parcel is zoned Airport Development District+Cannabis. Property line markings are approximations. The use is described as follows and is very general. The Airport Development District (ADD) provides for a wide range of nonresidential uses, generally encompassing light
and heavy industrial, retail, office, and other commercial uses that are oriented around airport operation, services, industries
and businesses. The Airport Development District is intended to provide maximum flexibility to the City, landowners, and
tenants in establishing and operating non-residential uses. Development is expected to be predominated by buildings of one
(1) or two (2) stories, but may attain any heights up to fifty-five (55) feet . In some cases, retail uses will be on the ground
floor, with offices above. All uses in this district will be required to execute aviation easements.