Please Follow Contra Costa Covid-19 Guidelines when showing the property. Please wear MASK. MUST Send PEAD form prior to showing. Rare opportunity for a family to reside with one another on one parcel. Can you imagine living next to your mom and dad, brothers, sisters, aunts or uncles? All homes open up to a common area of grass and trees in a park like setting. Or, excellent opportunity for business use like doctors offices, day care or residential program. Plenty of on site parking. 10 spaces. The garages were built in 1999. Garages could be converted to Accessory Dwelling Units with new CA law. See City of Concord building department for more information. Call agent for showing of 2240 Grant St. It is an office so easy to show and rarely is anyone there. Excellent multi family property because it feels and looks like 5 separate parcels. Across from Queen of All Saints Church. One block from John Muir Hospital and 5 blocks from Todos Santos Park. Excellent location.