7-Day Juice Plan

Juices are great any time of day but are a nice addition to a healthy breakfast or as a snack. (Note: Each recipe makes two 8- to 10-ounce servings of juice.) Here is a full week of juicing recipes to help you get your fill of produce.

Day 1: Green Juice

Fun Fact: The celery and parsley in this juice deliver apigenin, a compound that promotes the death of cancerous cells, according to research from Ohio State University. (Find out if celery juice is healthy here)

Day 2: Tomato-Vegetable Juice

Fun Fact: When people drank a glass of vegetable juice daily, they got double the veggie servings of people who just tried eating more vegetables.

Day 3: Strawberry-Cucumber Juice

Fun Fact: Strawberries are the third-best food source of polyphenols, antioxidants believed to reduce risk of cancer and heart disease, which Harvard researchers have shown help keep your teeth healthy.

Day 4: Blueberry-Cabbage Power Juice

Fun Fact: Red cabbage and blueberries pack this juice with anthocyanins, antioxidants which help keep your memory sharp.

Day 5: Spinach-Apple Juice

Fun Fact: The spinach in this juice provides a healthy dose of vitamin K, which helps keep your bones strong.

Day 6: Ginger-Beet Juice

Fun Fact: Drinking beet juice before a workout may increase your stamina by boosting blood flow, which gets your muscles the fuel and oxygen they need.

Day 7: Carrot-Orange Juice


In today’s busy economy it’s essential to take a moment and make sure we’re operating at our bodies full potential. Especially when it comes to real estate transactions. Opening a new escrow can seem at times a bit stressful, so a great word of advice from someone who has dealt with many, many real estate transaction. A quick juice detox diet at the beginning of a transaction will guarantee your ability to wiz through to the end of your purchase as though you were a super hero, trust us, a healthy and focused diet can make all the difference when stressful times may come around, for anything in your life. With On The GO-Real Estate.com we’ve got you covered, and we’ll make sure we handle your real estate transaction with the least amount of stress, We’ve Got You, but seriously enjoy the 7 day juice detox you wont regret it. 


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