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Homes for sale in California


The duration of a listing agreement is typically negotiated between the seller and the real estate agent or broker representing them. The length of the agreement can vary depending on the local real estate market conditions and the preferences of the parties involved.

In the United States, the most common types of listing agreements are:

1.      Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing: This type of agreement gives the real estate agent or broker the exclusive right to market and sell the property for a specified period, typically between 90 to 180 days. The seller cannot work with any other real estate agents or brokers during the term of the agreement.

2.      Exclusive Agency Listing: This type of agreement also gives the real estate agent or broker the exclusive right to market and sell the property, but the seller retains the right to sell the property on their own without paying a commission to the agent. The term of the agreement is typically similar to the Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing.

3.      Open Listing: This type of agreement allows the seller to work with multiple real estate agents or brokers and only pay a commission to the agent who brings a buyer to the table. The term of the agreement is usually shorter than the Exclusive Listing agreements, ranging from a few days to several weeks.

The duration of the listing agreement should be agreed upon by the seller and the real estate agent or broker before signing the agreement. It is important to review the agreement carefully and negotiate any terms that may not be in the seller’s best interest.

When selling a home, we provide you with a comprehensive marketing plan. The days of putting a sign in front of a house and waiting for someone to buy it are long gone. With the evolution and impact of the internet in the real estate industry, it is critical that your home be marketed not only through “traditional” avenues such as newspapers and mailings, but also through maximum exposure online. 

Our comprehensive marketing plan for selling real estate
typically includes the following elements:

1.     Professional Photography and Videography: On The Go-Real will capture High-quality photos, 4k ariel drone imagery, and or standard videos, which help showcase any property and attract potential buyers. Our Professional photographers and videographers will capture the property in the best possible light, emphasizing its features and making it look more appealing.

2.     Online Listings: GO-Real will list your property on popular online listing platforms such as Zillow, Redfin, and These platforms allow potential buyers to search for properties based on their desired location, price range, and other criteria.

3.     Social Media Marketing: GO-Real will use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to market your property to a wider audience. We will create targeted ads that reach potential buyers based on their interests, demographics, and location.

4.     Print Advertising: We can publish to local publications such as newspapers and magazines to be used to advertise the property. Our Real estate agents and brokers may place ads in these publications to reach potential buyers who may not be actively searching for properties online.

5.     Open Houses: Hosting open houses can allow potential buyers to tour the property and ask questions. Our Real estate agents and brokers can market the open house using social media, online listings, and local publications.

6.     Email Marketing: GO-Real will use email marketing campaigns to reach out to potential buyers who have expressed
interest in similar properties. We also provide updates about the property, share new photos or videos, and answer questions.

7.     Video Tours: GO-Real creates virtual tours of the property using video technology as well as Ariel Drone 4k imagery. This allows potential buyers to tour the property from the comfort of their own home and get a sense of the layout and features.

8.     Local Networking: GO-Real will also leverage our local network of business to market the property. They can
reach out to other real estate professionals, builders, contractors, and
potential buyers to let them know about the property.

9.   Cash Buyers Ready to Purchase Now: We are excited to inform you that we have a vibrant list of active cash buyers eagerly awaiting the chance to acquire new properties. While this option can expedite the sale process, it’s important to note that investor cash transactions typically involve offers of around 70% of the fair market value of your home. Despite this, it has proven to be a highly successful tool for selling our clients’ homes efficiently. 

      If you’re open to considering this option, we are fully equipped to guide you through the process. However, it’s crucial to weigh the potential impact on the final sale price. We strongly advise discussing all

      available options, including their respective advantages and disadvantages, to make an informed decision. 

     To gain a comprehensive understanding of the current market dynamics and determine the most suitable approach for selling your home, we encourage you to reach out to us. 


      Our dedicated team is committed to providing expert guidance tailored to your unique situation. Act now and explore the potential of investor cash buyers for a swift sale! 

      By combining these elements in our comprehensive marketing plan, our real estate agents and brokers can maximize the exposure of any property and attract a wider range of potential buyers.

Preparing your house for showings is an important step in the home selling process. 

Here are some steps you can take to get your house ready for showings:

1.      Declutter and Clean: Remove any excess clutter, personal items, and unnecessary furniture to create a clean and inviting space. Deep clean your house, including carpets, floors, and bathrooms.

2.      Repairs and Upgrades: Make necessary repairs and upgrades to your home, including fixing leaky faucets, replacing broken tiles, and repairing any damage to walls or ceilings.

3.      Depersonalize: Remove any personal items, such as family photos or religious items, to make it easier for potential buyers to envision themselves in the space.

4.      Neutralize: Paint the walls in a neutral color to create a blank canvas for potential buyers to imagine their own decorating styles.

5.      Enhance Curb Appeal: First impressions are important, so make sure the exterior of your house looks inviting. Mow the lawn, trim hedges, and add some potted plants or flowers to enhance the curb appeal.

6.      Stage Your Home: Consider hiring a professional home stager to help create an attractive and inviting space that highlights your home’s best features.

7.      Provide Information: Make sure important information, such as property details, HOA rules, and disclosures, are easily accessible to potential buyers.

By taking these steps to prepare your home for showings, you can increase the chances of attracting potential buyers and ultimately selling your home quickly and for the best possible price.

Although open houses are not required to sell a home, they are still a recommended strategy. We ensure that your boundaries are met, and we discuss your thoughts on open houses to ensure that you are comfortable hosting an open house. 


The open house process typically involves the following steps:



1.      Preparation: The real estate agent or broker prepares the property for the open house by decluttering, cleaning, and staging the home. They also market the open house using various channels such as social media, online listings, and local publications.


2.      Hosting: On the day of the open house, the real estate agent or broker hosts the event and welcomes potential buyers into the home. They may provide brochures or other marketing materials about the property, as well as answer questions and provide additional information.


3.      Follow-up: After the open house, the real estate agent or broker follows up with potential buyers to gauge their interest in the property and answer any additional questions they may have.


The technology we use plays an increasingly important role in the open house process. Our Real estate agents and brokers use various technologies to market the open house and reach potential buyers. These technologies may include:


1.      Online Listings: Our Real estate agents and brokers use online listing platforms to list properties for sale and promote open houses. These listings often include high-quality photos and virtual tours that allow potential buyers to view the property from the comfort of their own home.


2.      Virtual Reality: In some cases our real estate agents and brokers use virtual reality technology to create immersive 3D tours of your property. This allows potential buyers to explore the home in detail and get a sense of the layout and flow of the space remotely from any location around the world.


3.      Communication Tools: Our Real estate agents and brokers use communication tools such as email, text messaging, and video conferencing to communicate with potential buyers before, during, and after the open house.


4.      Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools: Our Real estate agents and brokers use CRM tools to manage their contacts and follow up with potential buyers. These tools may include automated email campaigns and other marketing materials to keep potential buyers engaged and interested in your property.



Overall, the technology we use plays a significant role in the open house process by helping our real estate agents and brokers market properties more effectively, reach a larger audience, and provide potential buyers with a more immersive and engaging experience.


We use a variety of methods starting with our Home Value Tool to determine the value of a home. A comparative market analysis is the most common method for determining the value of a home. A comparative market analysis is a detailed examination of recently sold “comparable” homes in the previous 6-12 months. 

A comparative market analysis, or “CMA,” isn’t a crystal ball that predicts how much a home will sell for; however, when performed by our knowledgable REALTORS, it should significantly narrow the sale price range.

Determining the value of a house involves a combination of factors, including the location of the property, the size and condition of the house, and the current market conditions. 

Here are some common methods that our real estate professionals use to estimate the value of a house:

1.      Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): A comparative market analysis involves comparing your property to other similar properties in the same area that have recently sold. This analysis can provide a good estimate of your property’s value based on recent sales in your area.

2.      Automated Valuation Model (AVM): An automated valuation model uses algorithms to analyze data such as recent sales, property characteristics, and market trends to estimate the value of a property. While AVMs can provide a quick estimate of a property’s value, they may not take into account specific characteristics that may affect the value of the property.

3.      Appraisal: An appraisal is a professional opinion of a property’s value based on a thorough inspection of the property and an analysis of market data. A licensed appraiser will use industry-standard methods to evaluate your property’s value and provide a report detailing their findings.

4.      Online Valuation Tools: There are many online tools available that can provide an estimate of your property’s value based on data such as recent sales, property characteristics, and market trends. These tools can provide a quick estimate of your property’s value, but may not take into account specific characteristics that may affect the value of the property.

Ultimately, the best way to determine the value of your house is to work with one of our professional real estate agent’s or broker’s who have experience in your local market. 

They will have access to more detailed information about recent sales and market conditions in your area and can provide you with a more accurate estimate of your property’s value.

The taxes you need to pay before buying a property will depend on the laws and regulations of the specific country, state or locality where the property is located. However, some common taxes that you may be required to pay before buying a property include:


·       Stamp duty: This is a tax on property transactions and is typically based on the purchase price of the property.


·       Property transfer tax: This tax is usually charged by the state or local government when the ownership of a property is transferred from one person to another.


·       Capital gains tax: If you are buying a property with the intention of selling it later at a profit, you may be liable to pay capital gains tax on the gain realized from the sale.


·       Property tax: This is an annual tax paid by property owners to the local government to fund local services such as schools, roads, and parks.


·       Goods and Services Tax (GST): Some countries may charge GST on new properties or properties that have been renovated or substantially improved.



It’s important to consult with a tax professional or a real estate lawyer to determine the specific taxes that apply to your situation and ensure that you have a clear understanding of your tax obligations before purchasing a property.

The language of the registration document depends on the country and the region where the property is located. “In India, for example”, the registration document can be written in any language that is used in the area where the property is located, as long as it is accompanied by a translation in English or the official language of the state.


In the United States Of America, the registration document is typically written in English, although in some regions, it may also be written in other languages if required by law or local custom.


It is important to ensure that the language of the registration document is understandable to all parties involved in the transaction. If any of the parties are not fluent in the language used in the document, it may be necessary to provide a translation or an interpreter to ensure that all parties fully understand the terms of the transaction.



It is always a good practice to consult with a qualified professional, such as a real estate professional or a local government official, to determine the specific language requirements for property registration in the area where the property is located.

In the United States, property registration refers to the process of recording property ownership and transfer of ownership with the local government authorities. The process of property registration can vary by state and locality, but generally involves the following steps:


1.      Title search: Before a property can be registered, a title search is conducted to ensure that there are no outstanding liens, judgments, or claims against the property.

2.      Closing: The buyer and seller must agree on the terms of the sale and sign a contract. The buyer must also obtain financing, if necessary.

3.      Deed preparation: A deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer. The deed must be prepared, signed, and notarized.

4.      Recording: The deed is recorded with the county recorder’s office or other local government office responsible for property records. This creates a public record of the transfer of ownership.

5.      Payment of fees and taxes: The buyer is responsible for paying any applicable fees and taxes, including recording fees, transfer taxes, and property taxes.


Once the property is registered, the new owner will receive a copy of the recorded deed, which serves as proof of ownership. In some states, title insurance may also be required to protect the buyer against any title defects that may arise in the future.


It is important to consult with a real estate attorney or other qualified professional to ensure compliance with local property registration laws and regulations.


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