This parcel borders Interstate 40 and is located within the city limits of Needles, CA. Zoning is Commercial / light manufacturing. The parcel has 1300 ft plus along the freeway where signage could be located. The parcel is otherwise made of raw desert land with washes and hills.
Location: The parcel is located about a mile and half from Needles proper on Interstate 40, north side. One can see the parcel by traveling westbound on I-40. At mile marker 145.50 is the southwestern corner of the parcel. The western boundary continues west on I-40 in the direction of Needles for 1373 feet. The northern boundary of the parcel continues 1576 to the east, the eastern boundary runs 1337 ft. south, and the southern boundary is 1243 ft. westward back to the immediate vecinity of mile marker 145.50.