The sale of this property is subject to Court approval. Offers will be reviewed March 6th @ 10am. This property has active Health & Safety Code Violations, and the Court appointed a Receiver to take full possession & control of property. Receiver is authorized to market & sell the property subject to Court approval. The Buyer of this property shall be legally obligated and responsible to renovate property with all necessary permits issued by City of Merced. Property is to be sold AS-IS without representations or warranties. To qualify to purchase this Property, a Buyer will be required to submit a resume of their renovation experience and to support their stated experience with evidence in the form of copies of past building permits, or/and copies of past project Job Inspection Cards signed by building Inspectors. To be a qualified Buyer you must have experience in restoring single-family homes directly as owner builders or using licensed contractors. Experience with similar types of homes having safety and health code violations and building code violations is desirable. To be considered, purchase offers must include completing seller’s (1) Buyer Declaration attesting Buyer is qualified, (2) Property Abatement & Renovation Plan, and (3) Renovation History Resume.