The address is approximately 39400 Cuyama Ave, Newberry Springs, CA 92365 The subject property is 12.61+- acres with 9.4+- acres of commercial zoning and 2.35 acres of rural living zoning with over 400 feet of frontage road off Interstate 15 Southbound which has over 50,000+- average daily traffic each way. Electricity is on Hacienda Dr, water is by water well, and sewer is by septic. There is a lot of potential for this property such as for a, motel, hotel, truck stop extension, EV charging station, electronic billboard, real estate sign lot, cellular tower, large ranch home lot, mobile home/house w cattle, livestock, etc. Priced to sell. The location is the address above and the GPS coordinates are (please enter these in the address section of maps in your smart phone and it will take you to the locations): Lot 1 (commercial zoned) NE: 34.969847, -116.639227 NW: 34.969836, -116.640780 SE: 34.967430, -116.639259 SW: 34.967420, -116.640812 Lot 2 (freeway frontage street) NE: 34.968045, -116.637499 NW: 34.968036, -116.639053 SE: 34.967538, -116.637506 SW: 34.966972, -116.639040